Okay guys, this is probably one of my favorite family sessions I’ve ever done! Even at 38 weeks pregnant, I just loved taking these photos! Maybe I’m just a little bit envious, it’s true… (and I’ll tell you why) but these guys are the cutest family ever so it’s totally okay!
Lindsay and I both found out we were pregnant in the early spring, but it wasn’t until later, that we realized our due dates were two days apart! TWO DAYS! I’m due on November 15th, 2018 (which is in 3 days… and guys, I’m stoked) and Lindsay was due on November 17th, 2018! We both have little boys and when we found out we were both having little girls the excitement grew even more! I thought it was always fun throughout the pregnancies to call in and check up on one another to see how the other was doing.
Near the end, I think we both kind of guessed that Lindsay would have her baby first if our bodies ended up following the same pattern that they did with our firsts! Lindsay had her first about 3 weeks early, and I had Everett right on his due date. Low and behold, Audrey-Ann made her way into this world on October 25th! That’s around 3 weeks early and here I am, still pregnant, 3 days away from my due date hahaha! We guessed right! BUT, I’m not complaining at all! I loved taking these photos and seeing their son interact with his new little sister because I loved imagining what it would be like to see Everett with his! I got to stop in on Halloween and visit them and hold sweet little Audrey and it was nice to get my baby fix in, before my little girl gets here!
I’m so happy for you Lindsay and Marshall! You guys are such wonderful people and I’m glad that little miss Audrey came into the world safe and sound! She’s beautiful and such a blessing I’m sure! I hope you love the pictures just as much as I do!!!